Finding Your Best Path

Eighty-five and never married, I am sometimes asked, “How do you feel about your life?” I smile and say, “God gave me the life He knew would make me the happiest and most productive. He has walked with me every step of the way.”

Some people decide in early childhood what they will grow up to be. They follow their dream and rejoice when it becomes reality. Many think they know what they want, but change their minds along the way.  Others try several careers before discovering the path they were really meant to walk.

A favorite folk tale, the story of three trees, shows the difference between what we may want and what we are meant to be. Three forest friends shared their deepest desires.

The first tree longed to be become the greatest treasure chest in the world and hold wealth.

The second tree desired to sail the seas, carry kings, and be the strongest ship in the world.

The third tree wanted to grow into the tallest tree in the forest so that when people gazed into the heavens, they would think of God.

Woodcutters came. The first tree was turned into a feedbox. The second became a small fishing boat. The third, a pile of beams in a lumberyard.

All three trees suffered bitter disappointment until the lowly feedbox cradled Jesus when there was no room in the inn. Jesus calmed the seas and preached to the multitudes from the rude fishing boat formed from the second tree, a message that would ring down through the ages. . The third tree became a cross, where Jesus gave His life,  that all who believe on Him will one day live with Him forever.

Finding my best path took a long time. 

I wanted to write books from the time I could hold a pencil, but my town grew trees, not authors. I began my lifetime of work in 1952 at age sixteen as school secretary in my hometown. Except for six months at business college and three months as a bank messenger [I wore out three pair of shoes] I stayed with the Darrington Schools until the summer of 1970. 

A year with Vancouver, WA School District followed. 

Next, two years with the Veterans Administration Hospital in Vancouver and four-and-a-half years with the Bonneville Power Administration. I also spent many years camp counselling. I learned from each situation and made lasting friendships, but the best was yet to come. God needed me elsewhere. 

In August of 1977, I felt compelled to walk off my good government job and into fulltime free lance writing.  Writing for Inspiration and Entertainment has fulfilled my childhood dream beyond my wildest expectations. I rejoice seeing many I have been able to encourage making their mark in the writing field.

Good advice, but not always

Abraham Lincoln said, “Don’t change horses midstream.” Good political advice, but it can keep us from searching to find the niche where we will fit best.

A certain lady who had always wanted to write YA books came to my writing classes. Impressed with her potential, I encouraged her and recommended her to an editor. Between ages 72 and 75, the company published her first novel and a sequel.

Although sometimes attributed to George Eliot, it is not confirmed who first said, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” Words to heed. If you have a long-held, unrealized dream, take it out, dust it off, and pursue it. You may be surprised at the results.

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If you like exciting stories of God’s loving care and protection, consider Walking with the Master: Celebrating His Presence.

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7 thoughts on “Finding Your Best Path

  1. Thanks. It takes as long to find just the right illustrations as to write the text. Fun, fun. And thanks for the tweak! .


  2. Congratulations Colleen. God has indeed blessed you and your work. The right people have come into your life and continue to lead you and your work forward in a world that seems too complicated for many folks younger than you. Enjoy this new accomplishment and its following. You are so deserving.


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